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Marketing has over time been affected by technological advancements. These advancements have disrupted our usual mode of communication e.g. mass media. To remain competitive, brands must now transcend traditional communication methods and embrace the newer online platforms.

At Pulsar, we work with your brand to deliver your marketing communication online through the use of various platforms including websites, social media or email.

Before going online, marketing planning should be done. It is important to understand that internet (digital) marketing is part of the promotional mix which includes advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations and personal selling. The internet plays a great role in marketing communications and should be used as part of the process of developing and sustaining brand identity and equity.

As you seek to go online, the crucial element would be aligning this to your marketing and corporate strategies.

Once you’ve registered your business, built the brand offline i.e. brand identity, business stationery and marketing collateral, you’ll need to get your brand online. Building a brand presence on the internet requires extensive planning and this should be in line with your overall corporate strategy.

The concept of integrated marketing communication demands that your brand speaks to its customers in one voice and tone through all communication channels used.  Therefore, the internet is just but one of the channels you must include in your marketing plan in order to build a consistent brand image.

At Pulsar, we’ve gained experience over the years as a digital marketing agency. Our dynamic team not only has expert web developers and designers, but also marketers. The emphasis on marketing is crucial as online marketing is more than having a website. This is a communication tool and just like any other communication tool, it must meet its marketing objectives. We have expertise in the following fields:

Looking for an Agency to Help You Build Your Start Up?

At Pulsar,  can provide this expertise to your startup and/or existing business. Getting started online is crucial for your business. Get in touch with us to get started with your online marketing requirements.

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